The Englert Theatre
Previously, The Englert Theatre lacked a cohesive identity system and its materials were often disconnected to its vision, one that steadily looks toward the future and brings in elite talent to highlight their tagline: “It all happens here.” With a diversity of events that include quirky kids’ programming, rock shows, performance art, evenings at the orchestra, and more, the theatre’s strength is its versatility and adaptability, taking on programming risks while maintaining a welcoming feel for its community.
I worked with the theatre to develop a new identity and various materials—plus user-friendly templates and an identity manual—to tie everything together and enable the theatre to deploy the look and feel for years to come, even with a limited marketing budget.
I worked with the theatre to develop a new identity and various materials—plus user-friendly templates and an identity manual—to tie everything together and enable the theatre to deploy the look and feel for years to come, even with a limited marketing budget.